13 Ways To Share Your Message So It's Received by The Exact Audience You Want

  • Know who they are?  Be clear but not attached.  Be ready and open to expansion.

  • Know where they go and what they enjoy doing.  What's an "undercover" access point? 

  • Be clear on the vision

  • Bring your friends along - don't be afraid to pitch them.

  • Put your big-girl pants on

  • Be aligned with the modality you choose to use.

  • Start in one place. Be where you are.  You'll avoid overwhelm.  Love where you are.  Energy goes where you want to see your brand.

  • Become a professional sharer.

  • Share Your Truth. The good, the bad and the ugly.  A new day when authenticity 

  • Go deep, go big, if the information is glossed over and superficial - people will feel that

  • Don't horde your message!  Brand Ambassadors - invite them to your party, invite them to carry the message for you. They care about your work.  Find the people who trust and value what you do.  Blog posse.  Let others tell the story with you. It's a collaborative effort of extending a message.

  • Is the message of Service to the world?

  • Find a power posse of women who you want to share your message and who want to share your message.