It's Ok To Be Ok

Recently, on a text thread with a group of girlfriends, I suggested we each share 3 things we're grateful for and 1 thing we were committed to letting go of.  (What can I say, it was a full moon and I can't resist a good mindset exercise.)

I was surprised by the first text reply, which read:

"It feels self-indulgent considering how many people are struggling right now."

This is for you if you've been experiencing any guilt over doing well during this time.  

Last week, on the blog, I shared how important it is to give yourself room to not be ok but it's also ok to be ok.  I repeat: 

It's ok to be ok.

Oh the tricks of the ego: “You're doing too little.  You're putting pressure on yourself to do too much. You're not grateful enough.  You're too grateful!!”  LOL.  Seriously, we've got to laugh at the silly stories we tell ourselves. 

Our ego is just as intelligent as we are and now there's a pandemic it can use to make us crazy! 

A coach of mine once said guilt is like bleeding out as your friend, who needs a blood transfusion, suffers.  In other words: guilt serves no one. 

If you're feeling guilty about doing well during a time when so many are suffering channel those feelings of empathy into action instead.  Contribute to causes or volunteer at your local food bank.  Focus on those who are in need.

Two reminders:
1. Whatever you're experiencing, whether pleasant or uncomfortable, it will pass.  
2. Gratitude is never self-indulgent.

Gratitude is humility in practice.

Practice often to create more of the good you have complete permission to feel.