Magalie René on Re-entering the Workforce with GMA 3

What an incredible experience to be interviewed on Good Morning America’s GMA3. Magalie shared Workplace Catalyst’s work supporting organizations who are navigating return-to-the-office.

We’re thrilled about our Road to Re-entry program, which helps the shift from remote work back into the office but as Delta rages on who knows where we’ll be in the coming months. This program guides Compassionate Leaders through the process of making the re-entry as smooth as possible for employees. I discussed ways to make this possible in the interview.

We also discussed Compassionate Leadership,  focusing on who leaders choose to BE (empathetic, understanding, empowering) as they go about doing the important work of leading. In the case of re-entering the workplace this means being present for employees’ needs  and creating an environment of connection, collaboration and inclusion. 

Don’t assume you know what others need, use the available resources and go from there.

These skills are vital to have in the shift from remote work back into the office. When we have our routines, it can be uncomfortable or even scary to change what we’ve grown used to them and many employees are experiencing this following working from home for over a year. Leaders who understand this are going to have a much more successful transition because their employees will feel cared for.

Creating an environment of powerful communication and Compassionate Leadership will also help your team down the road after the shift has been made.